Significant Writing Project

Significant Writing Project

Learning Outcome I: Showcase Project- Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision). This learning outcome is focused on revising in ways that strengthen the ideas and structure of a project between first and final drafts, and in final editing/proofreading at the end of a project.

While comparing my final essay to my drafts from the beginning of the year, I notice a lot of the same mistakes that I made. A majority of them were grammar mistakes that I fixed for the final draft, another common mistake I made was that I would repeat myself multiple times which often made my paragraphs confusing. To fix this on my final essay I reworded some of my sentences, or just deleted the parts that didn’t need to be there. Something that really helped me with not only spotting some of these mistakes, but also correcting some was the peer editing.

It takes multiple times to make sure your essay is well written, and having the different peer review sessions helped make my paper stronger each time. They all gave me good feedback and I was able to learn from my mistakes and get helpful ideas on how to strengthen my writing. For me, the more edits and feedback I get from someone the better because then I and able to not make those same mistakes again, and use some phrases they think would fit better.

The last person who peer reviewed for me left a lot of comments and suggestions and I really appreciate it because I think it made my paper much stronger. This final draft now has very little errors and is the strongest it has been through this whole process. Writing a paper through this process has helped me as a writer and I will use all the skills and tricks I learned from this experience in the future on other papers and assignments.
